The Principal



We thank God for another successful year ending. It has been a year filled with pride of achievement in our group of schools, Great performances in competitions, wonderful ratings both in academics and morals by our parents and the public. I see high flyers and upcoming learners alike excited to see the challenges ahead.

The sense of accomplishment we feel as a school is in knowing that these leaders of tomorrow understand that nothing is insurmountable if they put their mind to it.

This is the mindset that gave us the rating of Best Private School in Sapele, Delta State in 2021. The same mindset has caused us to soar in both internal and external competitions – State and National.

Our motto is Good Education the Best Legacy. Good education does not come at the drop of a hat, it takes hard work and dedication. This as a school, we are determined to uphold. The Almighty God recognizes and blesses hard work – Proverbs 22:29. On this we stand Blazing the Trail for others to follow.